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Sunday of St John of the Ladder

  • St John the Baptist Serbian orthodox Parish and Church Community 82 Kenny Street Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Australia (map)

Saint John Climacus or John of the Ladder is commemorated on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent.

His book THE LADDER is one of the most important texts on spiritual journey in the entire history of the Church. Saint John describes the ascent toward spiritual perfection, which is essential for anyone who wishes to save his soul. It is a literary masterpiece, a written account of his thoughts, based on the collected wisdom of many wise ascetics, and on his own spiritual experience. The book is a great help on the path to truth and virtue.

The steps of THE LADDER proceed gradually from strength to strength on the path of perfection. The summit is not reached suddenly, but gradually, as the Savior says: “The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Mt.11:12).

10 April

5th Sunday of Great Lent: St Mary of Egypt